Wednesday, May 31, 2017

Back in the EEG ER (doo doo dooooooo)

Yesterday morning we got called into the ER after I sent a video of one of Miles' strange seizure-like things he started doing to the neurologist.  Miles only does this when he is uncomforable and tired and almost always in the car seat so we didn't think much of it but the neuro thought it looked like an infantile spasm so we raced back to our city crib.

Rough night 

You can probably imagine the fun we had putting on Miles' leads seeing that he is a fearful one-year-old who hates hats. There were a lot of big rolling tears from us both. Fortunately, he has been a trooper since then and even miraculously slept well last night. I feel like I slept on a park bench during a winter squall because they only have benches for parents to sleep on and it was freezing under the relentless blasting air, but he slept so that's the important thing.

Miles hasn't had one of his episodes since we have been here and we have been trying hard. Unfortunately they don't want us to leave until he has one so we are (very oddly) praying for a seizure-spasm-tic thing (?!?!). I even had him imprisoned in the car seat while shaking the crib and making motor noises. (My friend Kaetlin witnessed this spectacle and opted to join in as a vehicle passenger.) After the first twenty-four hours we did get a good report from the neurologist - Miles has a healthy and organized looking EEG with just borderline slowing and no signs of deterioration that normally occur with untreated seizures.

My superhero mother-in-law jumped in the car and drove from Spokane to Bainbridge thirty minutes after I let her know we had to go to the ER. My other son was reportedly ecstatic to have her with him so all is well on the home front and since he was still awake at 9:30 last night  after having too much fun with grandma I'd say he doesn't even miss me! We are grateful for family.

Well Miles, never a dull moment; way to really poop all over our last remaining rays of vacation glow (we got back from a San Diego/Disney trip on Thursday). Good thing you are such a charmer and kind of a super stud with all those scars, skin markings, wires and beanie. Haven't you heard? Wires are all the rage these days.

1 comment:

  1. You and Miles are a dream team. Wish I could be there to bring a fluffy down comforter for those cold nights in the hospital. <3
