Saturday, September 30, 2017

Newport Beach Dipo Family Reunion

Diane and Dennis (the in-laws) celebrate their 40th wedding anniversary this year, so their kids wanted to do something special for them, and boy did they come through! We rented an amazing huge house right on Newport Beach and the family gathered together for days full of sunshine, swimming, skim boarding, snoozing, snacking and sand (infinite, endless, constant sand - how DO beach homes survive the sand battle?).

Morgan's sister has two little girls close in age to ours and they were a bit sick when they arrived, so between the four kids there was pretty much always somebody napping. We were so lucky to be right on the beach so the naps didn't disrupt precious family time and we were able to stay out late for the sunsets every night for amazing sunset strolls and pictures. This is the VRBO and we highly recommend it in case you are thinking of a similar trip!

I married into such a good looking family, I love them all and am so grateful we had so much time together for this trip.