Miles still naps often and seems to be quite sensory sensitive so having a cozy place for him to stay warm and nap while we played with Kai in the snow and soaked in the hot tub was just what we needed.
We did take the kids tubing at the nearby snow park and Kai loved it and begged to go skiing. I'm not ready for that. Am I ready for that? Should I be ready for that?
The weekend we went was also the weekend of the Chelan Winterfest and they hosted all sorts of winter festivities downtown including an opportunity to send off wish lanterns over the lake (don't worry, all biodegradable but yes seriously questionable environmental impact nonetheless). We bought two lanterns and wrote wishes on them for health and happiness for Miles and our family and joined the crowd at the water's edge. When the time came everyone else's lanterns went up happily and serenely their wishes obviously granted. Ours burned, withered and never left the ground due to the complications of two children that needed to be carried and cheap CHEAP lanterns that were both defective in their own separate way. An ill-fated albatross? At least it was beautiful to watch everyone else's.
We loved our time there so much and felt completely restored and refreshed and willing to talk about possibly traveling even a little further from home... Things are good now, really good, and we want to roll in it, make snow angels, ice caves, sled, ski and throw snow balls at each other until our backs are as wet on the inside of our jackets as they are on the out. Then we want to go inside, drink hot cocoa, snuggle up and play games while our clothes dry and our toes thaw, and then we want to do it all over again because you never know when the snow will melt and you have to make the most of every day, every minute, while the snow is good.
PS want to know what we've been up to the last little while? Check out our latest posts: